
This article outlines different ways of deploying Mycorrhiza Wiki and the basics of running the wiki. It's assumed that you're using a POSIX operating system. Otherwise, you're on your own.


The preferred method of installation is to use your distribution's package repository. Here is the list of known packages in different distributions:

  • Alpine Linux: mycorrhiza in the community repository

  • Arch Linux: mycorrhiza in AUR

  • Gentoo: www-apps/mycorrhiza in GURU

  • Homebrew: mycorrhiza

  • Nix: mycorrhiza in Nixpkgs >= 21.11

  • OpenBSD: www/mycorrhiza

You can also run Mycorrhiza in Docker using the provided Dockerfile. Chances are you'll need to modify it to your needs.

Using your distribution's package repository is strongly preferred. If your distribution is missing a package for Mycorrhiza Wiki, you're encouraged to make one and send it upstream for inclusion! Don't hesitate to ask for help.


Mycorrhiza's only build-time dependency is the Go 1.22 toolchain. The only run-time dependency is the Git command-line program. You'll also need Git to check out the source code. You can usually get these programs from your distribution's repositories. Here is an example of how to build Mycorrhiza on a POSIX system:

git clone https://codeberg.org/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza.git
cd mycorrhiza
make install

These commands download the source code from the mirror on Codeberg, build the mycorrhiza binary and install it in /usr/local/bin. A man page is also installed in /usr/local/share/man.


To start a wiki, run mycorrhiza path/to/your/wiki. The directory for your new wiki will be created automatically, and all relevant Git settings will be set.

Further reading