🍄IdeaImporter Protocol

An importer is a thing that can import a piece of content pointed by an URL to a hypha. Since MycorrhizaWiki is written in a compiled language, we can't just include importers in it, we have to either compile it in or communicate with it using some protocol. That's what we are going to do.

This protocol is inspired by CGI, the Common Gateway Interface.

Basic idea

Importers are executables that are run by the engine. They are given input through environment variables. They save the output into temporary files. They print JSON documents with information about those temporary files that the engine uses and constructs hyphae from.


Wiki administrators should be able to somehow configure this stuff. A section called [Importers] in the config file:

  • ImporterPath: full rooted path to the executable.

  • ImportTarget: name of the service which content you want to import. For example: telegram, twitter, etc.

  • UrlPattern: the pattern used by the engine to determine what importer to use.

If the importers need their own configuration, the way it is implemented is up to them.


When visiting a non-existent hypha, the user shall be offered to import. When they decide to do it, they are given a one-line form where they type in the URL of the content to import. Then they click Submit and everything works.

Alternatively they can choose an importer explicitly.

Input environment variables

  • MYCORRHIZA_IMPORT_URL is the url which the user asked to import. For example: https://t.me/bpblog/1182. Be liberal in what urls you accept, really liberal.

  • MYCORRHIZA_TARGET_HYPHA is the name of the hypha the user wants to import to; the hypha from which the user called the importer. If you end up creating additional hyphae (images, for example), create them as subhyphae of the given hypha.

  • MYCORRHIZA_COPY_MEDIA is whether images and other forms of media shall be copied to the wiki.


Output is a JSON object:

  • Error string: error code. If empty, everything is ok.

  • Record string: what message to use for the history.

  • Message string: mycomarkup-formatted document shown to the user.

  • Body array: objects like described below.


  • HyphaName: the name of the hypha you want the engine to save the file to.

  • MimeType: MIME-type of the file. If it is mycomarkup, use text/mycomarkup.

  • FilePath: Full rooted path to the temporary file.


Alice has a wiki with such importer configuration:










Bob visits her wiki, navigates to non-existent hypha Cactus and imports this url: https://t.me/cxiutage/36.

The engine calls the telegram importer with these environment variables:







The importer runs and prints this:

  "Error": "",
  "Record": "Import ‘Cactus’ from ‘https://t.me/cxiutage/36’",
  "Message": "Take a [[cactus|look]]",
  "Body": [
    { "HyphaName": "Cactus", 
      "MimeType": "text/mycomarkup",
      "FilePath": "/home/alice/tmp/123.myco" },
    { "HyphaName": "Cactus",
      "MimeType": "image/jpeg",
      "FilePath": "/home/alice/tmp/456.jpg" }

A new hypha Cactus with both attachment and text part is created. This is the entry that gets added to the history:

Import ‘Cactus’ from ‘https://t.me/cxiutage/36’

by importer-telegram@mycorrhiza