
MycomarkupDocument ::=
TopLevelBlock ::=
 | Heading
 | CodeBlock
 | ThematicBreak
 | ImageGallery
 | List
 | LaunchPad
 | Quote
 | Table
 | Transclusion


Token =
 | LineEnd
 | LineStart
 | EOD # End Of Document
 | Open
 | Close
 | HeadingToken1 | HeadingToken2 | HeadingToken3 | HeadingToken4
 | TripleBacktick
 | FourHyphens
 | Img
 | Rocket
 | ListMarker

Backslash = "\"
LineStart = ? Found right after LineEnd, Open and Close ?
LineEnd = "\n"
Open = "{"
Close = "}"
HeadingToken1 = LineStart "=" LWS
HeadingToken2 = LineStart "==" LWS
HeadingToken3 = LineStart "===" LWS
HeadingToken4 = LineStart "====" LWS
TripleBacktick = LineStart "```"
FourHyphens = LineStart "----"
Img = LineStart "img" LWS
Rocket = LineStart "=>"
ListMarker = LineStart "*"+ ( "." | "v" | "x" )* LWS


Formatted block is the most fundamental block in Mycomarkup. It represents a line formatted text.

Formatted block does not appear by itself. It is always part of something else. The most common container for Formatted is Paragraph. This is how a Paragraph containing a Formatted might look:

This is Formatted inside Paragraph.

Formatted has these types of elements inside. They are called spans, and are not found in any other blocks.

  • Text span is a sequence of unformatted text. A Formatted containing only one text span and nothing else is basically unformatted text.

  • Formatting markers that toggle formatting styles: italic, bold, highlight, underline, monospace, supertext, subtext, strike-through.

  • Inline links have a target and an optional displayed text. If there is no displayed text given by the writer, it is the same as target. Empty links are removed from the output.

  • Automatic links


Formatted ::=
Span ::=
   TextSpan | Code | FormattingMarker | InlineLink | AutoLink
Code ::=
   "`" Text "`"
FormattingMarker ::=
   "**" | "//" | "++" | "__" | "^^" | ",," | "~~"
InlineLink ::=
   "[[" LWS "]]" # empty link
 | "[[" LWS LinkTarget LWS "]]" # link with target only
 | "[[" LWS LinkTarget LWS "|" LWS LinkDisplayedText LWS "]]" # link with both target and displayed text
AutoLink ::=


Paragraph block is the container of one Formatted block.

Paragraph ::= ( LineBeginning Formatted NL )*


Heading introduces a new section. Headings go to the table of contents.

Heading ::=
  | Heading2
  | Heading3
  | Heading4) NL
Heading1 ::= "=" LWS FormattedLine
Heading2 ::= "==" LWS FormattedLine
Heading3 ::= "===" LWS FormattedLine
Heading4 ::= "====" LWS FormattedLine


Codeblock is a preformatted block of code.

CodeBlock ::=
   LineBeginning "```" Language? NL CodeBlockContents (NL "```" IgnoredText | EOD)
Language ::= (!NL)+
CodeBlockContents ::= CodeBlockLine*
CodeBlockLine ::= SomeText NL

Thematic break

Thematic break introduces a new section without a heading, it breaks themes.

ThematicBreak ::= "----" ThematicBreakAnchor? NL
ThematicBreakAnchor ::= (!NL)+
ImageGallery = Img [ ImgDescriptor ] Open ImgEntry ( Close | EOD )
ImgDescriptor = # not { or NL
ImgEntry = ( LineStart LWS LineEnd ) * LineStart Target [ Pipe LWS Sizes ] LWS*

got tired here




Launchpad = Rocket LinkTarget [ Pipe [ !NL + ] ] LineEnd;


Quote is an excerpt from somewhere else.

Quote ::= QuoteLine+
QuoteLine ::= ">" QuoteLineContent (NL | EOD)


After initial parsing, we end up with a collection of QuoteLineContents. This is not we need. We gotta convert it like that:

function QuoteLinesFinalized(lines []string) []string {
   # Find the common space prefix length
   prefixlen := 0
   for line in lines {
      curlen := 0
      for char in line {
         if char == " " {
         } else {
      prefixlen := min(prefixlen, curlen)
   # Remove the common space prefix
   result := []string{}
   for line in lines {
      result << line[prefixlen:]


Table is a table.

Table ::=
   "table" Modifer* "{" TableContents "}" IgnoredText EOL
Modifier ::=
TableContents ::= (EmptyLine | TableRow)*
TableRow ::=
   TableCellWithoutMarker? TableCell* NL
 | TableCell+ NL
TableCell ::=
   ("|" | "!") TableCellWithoutMarker
TableCellWithoutMarker ::=
   LWS FormattedLine LWS
 | LWS "{" ((Paragraph | ImageGallery | LaunchPad) NL?)* "}" LWS

