
MycorrhizaWiki 0.5 is the first released Mycorrhiza version. Date: 2020-06-30. Next: ../0.7

This version is dramatically different from all further releases. First of all, Markdown is used rather than Mycomarkup. It's not like u/bouncepaw liked Markdown; he just didn't want to bother himself with implementing the markup language for now.

Second, a handmade revision system is used along with a complicated folder structure. It was quite fun but no one liked it; also, it was hard to follow by hand.

Third, themes were supported! In fact, they were usual hyphae, you could just edit HTML in your browser. It turned out to be a bad idea.



This is the first public screenshot of MycorrhizaWiki. It is running what is soon to become 0.5. Note how the interface is dramatically different. The browser is Chromium running on Antergos.


Note how the interface is different from the ../teaser screenshot.
